
Kanakakunnu, Muthukulam South, Alapuzha Dist

A fisherman washes the Mussels he's just plucked from the lake bed.

Mussels or Kalumakai as it's known in Kerala is a local favourite and this man picks it up just outside his doorstep. He sells most of his catch but these are going straight home to be served for dinner.

Though this picture was shot in Central Travancore, here's an interesting mussel recipe from North Malabar: Arikaduka

This the Kayankulam lake. The less explored part of the famous Kerala backwater houseboat tourism circuit centred around Aleppey. It's to the south of Aleppey, half way to Quilon. This narrow sliver of a lake running along the coast is brackish. The backwaters are Estaurial and is fed by many little rivers flowing in from the hills to the East.

Thankfully, this part of the lake is pretty clean even though a coal fired Thermal Plant can be seen a few miles to the North.

Pack up and heading home with what he plucked in less than an hour.


Kerala's favourite pastime: Mosquito killing.

If human's are fast, Mosquitoes are faster. Adapting, migrating, colonising and creating nuisance to everyone around. And Mosquito Central is the state of Kerala. Mosquitoes here are way ahead of their species anywhere in the world, be it in size or the disease they spread.


Kollam Bus Stand

Rain check.

Kerala STRC buses continue to use this unique folding window shutters. It's a development over the canvas sheets that were used earlier.


Sutarwadi, Kolad (Dist. Raigad)

Lunch box

My mouth always watered when I used to see lunch being lovingly served for the hardworking farmer in old Hindi and Kannada movies in their fields. This picture was clicked in a farm in Coastal Maharashtra. The dabbas belonged to two young farm hands and it was probably their mothers who packed these for them.

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Slogan Murugan

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